Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm falling in love... again

Chareyl's the best! She's our voice at the agency. By the way if you're looking for a great agency to work with, please look at Wasatch International Adoptions.

Anyway, she went through all of her past photos to find photos of Changlais and Schneider for us.
Thanks Chareyl!

I'm falling in love! Though my heart is still heavy and I still find myself sighing throughout the day when I think of Vanessa and D'Jounela. But, ... here we go again.

I'm looking forward to the next parent trip and praying hard for the Lord to move this adoption along with his speed.

Awww, look at him.

Hi Changlais.

I've also found myself whispering words of comfort to Changlais and Schnieder.


  1. They are such beautiful souls. I am glad they found there home with you guys. chareyl is such a great person.we just love her for all that she does for everyone. Candice

  2. Hi Melissa, Changlais and Schnieder are sooo adorable! I love seeing their cute faces. Looking forward to seeing you all together on the next parent trip. Great big hug ~ Mare

  3. They are sweet boys. i can't wait for you to meet them!

    What does Noah think of them?

  4. Noah is sooo excited. He looks at their picture and says
    "Those are my boys!" Sweet Noah
